The Stance


The stance is how you stand at the pool table. To determine it what hand do you use? If it is your left hand.

Then the left leg should be closest to the table, or vise versa for right hand.

Step into your shot with your bridge side leg heading towards the object ball into the pocket and the other leg in back.

Now move your feet a hips width apart and bend your knees slightly.

You should have one foot in front of the other and by keeping your legs, a hips width apart you will not wobble back and forth.

This is just as important as a good steady bridge, for if your posture moves then your stick will move and you will not be able to hit the cue ball where you want to hit it.

Now you will not be able to do this on all shots because you might have to reach for certain shots, but remember if your body sways then get up and re-adjust your position until you feel comfortable with out swaying.

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